Saturday, February 2, 2013

Jacob and I have been awake since 1am. We have been cuddling, watching tv and eating snacks. Yeah.. yeah I know it's bad but you know what? I don't care because this is what I DREAMED about all those days in the NICU. He usually doesn't let me cuddle with him so I will always take advantage of it whenever I can. Just to update you on his PT well he isn't crawling yet.. he army crawl but he wants to start getting up on his feet. I need to take a video or upload one so you know what I'm talking about. We also went to see his neurologist and she said he is doing very good, testings will be done in April but as of now she doesn't think he has CP and in case he does it will be very mild.

1 comment:

  1. Hey , if he wants to cuddle then cuddle ! And he can have all the snacks his little tummy can hold. (As long as they are healthy lol) Whatever you can do to help him grow. Ziva still doesn't do much. I can't wait till she starts to show signs of crawling !
